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  • SMS Texting Phishing / Smishing Assessment
  • Mobile Phishing Assessment
4.9 of 5  
Multi-Channel Security for API Security, Cloud Email, Mobile, Secure Web Browser and Web Messaging Apps

SlashNext was founded in 2015 during a significant rise in phishing, morphing payloads, and a very strong belief that phishing would grow from email into a multi-channel problem and become the number one cyber threat to organizations. There was a recognition that something needed to change.

Atif Mushtaq, the visionary founder behind SlashNext and one of the main architects of FireEye’s core malware sandbox technology, recognized phishing detection, like malware, needed to move from signature-based reputation techniques to behavioral analysis. What was needed was a faster, more automated, and accurate approach to phishing detection. With that knowledge, SlashNext built an Artificial Intelligence (AI) phishing detection engine with virtual browsers and behavioral analysis using computer vision, natural language processing, and several machine-learning classifiers to detect and stop well-crafted multi-payload phishing attacks delivered multiple communication channels, including legitimate infrastructure.

Today, as humans have moved completely to the cloud, using apps, browsers and mobile devices to communicate with work, family, and friends, SlashNext is uniquely positioned to stop multi-channel phishing and human hacking

4.4 of 5  
Mobile Threat Defense - MTD and Mobile Endpoint Security

As the leading provider of Data-Centric Cloud Security, we set a new standard for helping businesses protect the sensitive data and information they care about most.
dData security is not just about locking down sensitive information. It’s about setting it free. From device and app to network and cloud, we’re unifying data security - providing protection from anywhere, on any device, without sacrificing privacy. It’s the future of secure data and peace of mind for all.