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Snyk combines the power of developer-first tooling with best-in-class security intelligence.

Snyk is a developer security platform that enables application and cloud developers to secure their whole application — finding and fixing vulnerabilities from their first lines of code to their running cloud.

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Application Security SaaS Solutions

Invisti is delivering the most accurate and efficient DAST solution for DevOps/DevSecOps teams to discover and secure all the applications that run their organizations.

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OX Security
AppSec Posture Management - ASPM, Application Security, AppSec, Continuous CI/CD Security, Code Security, SBOM Security

By providing visibility and traceability, contextualized prioritization, and automated response throughout the software development lifecycle, OX Security's Active ASPM platform unifies AppSec practices and prevents risks. By eliminating manual practices and embracing scalable, secure development, the platform goes beyond traditional AppSec solutions.