Cyber Security Experience Is Key

Why choose COYOTE BROWN?

It's simple...because experience matters in cyber security!

COYOTE BROWN ™ is a Cyber Security Consulting Firm composed of highly experienced strategic cybersecurity advisors and consultants helping clients maintain a healthy cyber security posture.

When engaged, we are concealed by our camouflage and act like a Coyote with the highest level of business intelligence, acumen and expertise to understand our client's business and cyber security risks.

And just like a Coyote, our team is highly skilled at gaining an advantage for our client's.

If you're serious about looking for a skilled Cyber Security Partner then Let's Talk Cyber!


Cyber Security Consulting Services

CISO Services

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Consulting Services

The role of a Chief Information Security Officer or CISO is a complex and highly specialized.

The CISO role is one that requires specialization and dedication, but some organizations are not large enough or complex enough to justify a full-time position.

We help clients select the best CISO or Virtual CISO (vCISO) from our deep bench of CISO's. Your business will get all the expertise required of an experienced CISO but without the full-time cost of maintaining them on staff and funding the constant education that

CISO Stack
- Interim CISO
- Fractional CISO
- Advisory CISO
- Coaching CISO
- Compliance Preparedness
- Risk Management
- Cyber Insurance

Fractional CISO Services

The Fractional CISO role is one that requires specialization and dedication, where clients are typically not large enough or complex enough to justify a full-time CISO employee.

For an organizations like this, our Fractional CISO services can be of great assistance. You'll get all the expertise required of an experienced CISO, without the full-time cost of maintaining one on staff full-time.

Our Fractional CISO services can also be used as Virtual CISO (vCISO) services.

Interim CISO Services

Our Interim CISO services are purpose built for security-conscious organizations where they have lost a CISO and not having an active CISO could be a potentially devastating situation.

Hopefully your past CISO had a succession plan, and you have someone inside the organization ready to step up and take over the reins. More than likely, though, that may not be the case. There are not enough qualified CISOs in the world as it is, so the likelihood that your business had one ready to back-fill is unlikely.

Let our Interim CISO services temporary fill this void while you look for your next CISO to fill the gap while you ensure your security program is not interrupted. Our Interim CISO can also help you vet out and provide feedback on your new CISO candidates.

Our Interim CISO services can also be used as Virtual CISO (vCISO) services.